Hey, it's not easy downsizing your sewing, crafting, knitting area from a huge space to a teeny tiny room, that you thought at first was a walk-in closet... but it can be done. With a little determination and thoughtful planning, it can be done.
I was absolutely amazed that I could get so much in such a small space. And the wonderful thing about it is, that it’s actually easier to work in a smaller space because you are forced to be more organized.
So, let me share with you a few things you are gonna’ want to know when designing your own tiny space.
When I was looking for a home that I would be able to retire in one day, my sewing, crafting, knitting room was really priority #1 for me. Then reality set in and I realized that I would have to settle for a much smaller space. I went from 20' X 20' to 9.5' X 8.5'. That is more than 50% smaller... OH no! can it be done??? Well, I am here to tell you that - Yes it can be done, with a little creative planning.
So sketch out your space and then measure each piece of equipment you will be needing for your crafting (sewing machine, embroidery machine, knitting machine, vinyl machine, serger, cutting/ironing table, storage furniture, etc.). Then go to work moving things around on your paper until you are able to get everything into the area. Once you feel you have everything in it's perfect place, then bring in the real deal and see how it works.
I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to get all that I listed above into my teeny tiny area, except for the fact that I had to downsize my cutting/ironing table and put my knitting machine into the adjacent, guest room/office that is only a few steps away. Hey, that will work!

One more tip before we move on. If you are looking for a nice futon. Don't go with the cheap mattress, but find one that is gonna' be comfortable for your guests. The one I chose is 8" thick and has memory foam in it. And, it is heavenly to sleep on!
It’s also important to organize, organize, organize, especially with things like embroidery thread, vinyl sheets, & cones of knitting yarn. And use your wall space wisely. That's my top, number one secret. Use your wall space wisely, 'cause you just don't have a lot of floor space.

As you can see I have all my vinyl rolled up and conveniently stored on the wall. The holders are actually designed to store and recycle all those plastic grocery bags that we all accumulate. But they work amazingly well for rolls of vinyl. I found them online at IKEA. My embroidery thread is also stored conveniently on a little wall rack that I found at the local fabric store.

Okay, once you have it all set up, my final suggestion is to focus on one project (or at least one type of project) at a time... that’s what has worked best for me.

Okay, let’s hear about some of your sewing, crafting and/or knitting projects!
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