I am excited to share that I am partnering with two ministry associates (chaplain friends) to bring an event called: "What Becomes of the Brokenhearted," where we will be offering advise on simple ways you and others can accept, deal with, and overcome stress, sadness and depression... caused by a loss that can leave you with a broken heart.
Let me share a few of my best tips here. In whatever stage of life you find yourself, how you start your mornings has a huge impact on the remainder of your day. It can even be a very good indication of how you will end your day. If you wake up with your mind already racing, frantically rushing around trying to get things done for yourself and everyone else with your nerves on edge, you are setting yourself up for a day that will be much the same.
My heart is warmed to be able to share with you, that there are simple and effective ways to bring the emotions of: sadness, anger, anxiety, depression and denial into a place of BALANCED CALM, resulting in LESS ANXIETY so you can move into a place of JOY, GLADNESS, and HOPE for the future.
Some days are a breeze and other days, not so much. Our Creator knew that and so He made along with the vegetation, the life-blood of the plants, the aromatic molecules of the plants that can float out into the air for you and me to breath in. If you think about it, God was the first aromatherapist.
The healing benefits of the aromatic molecules were experienced by the first couple in the garden 24/7 and are available for you and me to breathe in, still today.
So, on those days when you find yourself slipping into the abyss of negative reactions, occasional anxious moments, and stress-filled interactions try to remember the words of the psalmist when he says: God heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds (Psalm 147:3).
And trust that God will provide for all of your needs, including emotional balance and healing as you breathe in the aromatic molecules of the plants that He created specifically "for such a time as this." But, why is that??? How can something you breathe in effect your emotions in a positive way?
Well, here's why. When you breathe in the molecules of a pure essential oil, it follows your olfactory nerve (just as Your Creator intended) to your brain, to the emotional center of your brain, where it exerts a pharmacological effect as it enters your body through the limbic system.
A few minutes of aromatherapy will help you to retrain your brain, focus your thoughts on the positive, and release the negative emotions that have been stored there... ya' know, the ones that are holding you back from reaching your full potential for the day.
One of the calming blends I think you will enjoy is called Stress Away. This blend of oil is perfect for those moments that try to sneak up on you and steal your joy. Thirty seconds to "be still and know that He is God," while you breathe in the sweet scent of Lavender, Lime, and Vanilla will carry you to a place where stress can simply melt away.
And when you do snap back to reality, you will find yourself feeling calmer, more relaxed, and ready to tackle the rest of your day with ease. In addition to Stress Away, Peace & Calming is another great blend that will help you work through and lessen anxiety or feelings of being overwhelmed with it all. And Lavender is relaxing and balancing and is great for those times when you need a little more focus and concentration.
You can use these oils and others aromatically throughout the day, by diffusing them into the air, applying a drop to your hands, breathing in the aroma from the bottle, or adding a drop or two to your favorite piece of diffuser jewelry.
At the end of your busy day, try these simple tips to chill out in no time at all:
- Turn off your phone
- Sip on some hot tea - add even more benefit with a drop of Lemon Vitality
- Add one cup of Epsom salt with 10 drops of Lavender to a relaxing bath or foot soak
- Get your diffuser going with some of your favorite calming oils
- Stretching will be helpful too - nothing over the top, just some light stretches or Yoga poses to help ease the tension in your tired muscles
- And add in some Frankincense and PanAway to your feet for a more relaxing feel
Are you already an "oiler" or is this all new to you? Either way, what are you thinking of trying first?
To learn more about these wonderful gifts from God, click the button below.