My mission is dedicated to empowering individuals to achieve relaxation, restoration, and rejuvenation by nurturing the mind, body, and spirit. With a robust foundation in pastoral care since 1999 and more than fifty years of parenting experience, the value of holistic wellbeing has been a cornerstone of my life. During my pastoral work, I discovered a profound passion for walking beside individuals on their spiritual journey. It was during this time that I was introduced to the ancient practice of using essential oils for emotional balance. This revelation fueled my passion of empowering individuals and families to foster self-reliance in health and wellness, embracing a preventative approach that aligns with God's natural plan.
AFT (Aromatherapy) Session
Aroma Freedom Technique Practitioner

The Aroma Freedom Technique (AFT) method was designed by Clinical Psychologist, Benjamin Perkus, PhD, in private practice since 1996. AFT combines inhaling specific essential oils with proven psychological principles in a step-by-step process to quickly identify and gently dissolve and release negative thoughts and feelings connected to past memories. It has been shown to be at least as effective as EMDR and EFT.

(1) 60-minute session = $75
(3) 60-minute sessions = $150 (save $75)

Free sessions available for team members: Click Here

Smelling essential oils calms the amygdala, the fight-or-flight decision-maker in the limbic system which is in charge of emotions. By calming the amygdala, the hippocampus, the memory “filing cabinet” of the brain, then knows it is safe to reprocess outdated memories and create new neural pathways. AFT is a fast, gentle, and effective way to become free of these negative events permanently and without side effects. Emotional freedom comes from releasing old unwanted patterns of thought and behavior.

“AFT has replaced most of what I used to do as a psychologist because it is so effective and integrates other approaches I used to use.” -Dr. Perkus


  • Daily reflections on biblical principles will inspire you to discover strength, resilience, and courage throughout your faith journey. 
  • With this versatile format, you have the flexibility to either type in your daily entries or print out the devotional for handwritten journaling. The choice is yours!