Hey friend... Don't miss out!!

I have a free "Feather the Owl" diffuser for new members, but you'll need to place a 100pv order before the end of the month to be added to the drawing. Make it a 100pv  Loyalty Order and earn 2 chances to win!! I can help break it down for you!

Option 1: Place a 100pv+ order to qualify for the drawing. 

Here are a few popular order bundles that I think you will love! 

You can add any of these bundles directly to your shopping cart. 

Hello Autumn Bundle
Christmas Spirit, Orange, Grapefruit, Cinnamon Bark, Clove, Thieves, 
Bergamot, and Nutmeg Essential Oils


Thieves Home Bundle
Thieves Household Cleaner, Foaming Hand Soap, Laundry Soap, 
Kitchen & Bath Scrub, and Lemon Essential Oil

Wellness Basics Bundle
Life 9 Probiotic, Breathe Again Roll-On, Super B, 
Thieves Hand Sanitizer

Option 2: Place a Loyalty Rewards order of 100PV with any combination of your choice.

Join the best loyalty perks program to get the 24% discount, earn free gifts and loyalty points with qualifying loyalty orders. It's so convenient to have all of your plant-based home essentials delivered to your door every month. You can read more about Young Living's Loyalty Rewards here. 

I never want you to feel lost, confused, or overwhelmed about your Young Living products. I would love to help you create a wellness plan that fits your budget and lifestyle! I'm always happy to help you any way that I can, even if it's a simple encouraging word or listening ear.